Breathe Membership
I’ve established a sliding scale discount in an effort to make this course accessible and affordable to all. This is an opportunity for those who have the means to take inventory of their financial privilege and equitably engage with less privileged members of the community. Please consider the factors provided, when choosing what tier feels right for you. There is no need to stress, trust yourself and make heart-focused choices when selecting.
Being honest with yourself and your financial situation when engaging with sliding scale practices grows strong and sustainable communities. Your honesty allows us to continue to invest time and resources into creating more affordable opportunities.
Tier A $44
For those who are comfortable meeting their basic needs; find ease in paying rent, mortgages, or other bills; are currently employed; or have access to savings or family/inherited wealth.
For those who deal with occasional stresses while meeting their basic needs, but are still able to fulfil them; have housing stability; manageable debt; or discretionary disposable income.
Tier B: $22 - USE CODE TIERC
For those who experience frequent stress or difficulties meeting their basic needs; live in low-income housing or have housing instability; are unemployed, or require government assistance in meeting basic needs; or are supporting children, dependents, family members etc.